Sunday, November 29, 2009

My faulty memory (with pictures!)

Those of you who have been following this blog (yeah, right), may have noticed that I haven't done any updates for a while. No, it's not because I'm lazy (well, sort of), I just forgot my password. Twice.

I have been working on my Inquisitor in 28mm models for a while now, so here is one of the warbands:

Inquisitor and retinue

The Inquisitor doesn't have a proper name yet, although the guy with the two clubs is called Adeptus von Kroenan.

And some random NPCs

OK, I think that's all for now... Oh yeah, I just remembered, I am expecting a whole bunch of old Inquisitor books in the mail soon, including the first ten issues of the Inquisitor magazine. Hooray!

Friday, October 23, 2009


a solo mission designed by Discy

Models required: 5 Tau Patchfinders, including two carrying rail rifles and one Shas'u.

15 Gretchin.

1 Runtherd.

1 downed Tau Battlesuit.

Objectives: The Tau have to reach the Battlesuit, and carry it back to their deployment zone.

It takes three Tau Pathfinders to carry the Battlesuit.

The Gretchin have to keep the Tau away from the Battlesuit for six turns, before

the the Big Mek and his Boyz arrive to take it away.

Rules: I would suggest using 5th edition Warhammer 40k rules for this game. it is up to the player to decide which side he/she wants to control, and which side he/she wants to randomise.
Hopefully, I will post up a battle report of this once I have brought my new Xbox 360, and can start spending money on other things.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Da Gitz are landing!

Yay, a proper update!

This is the start of of my growing obsession with Gretchin, Grotz, and all manner of tiny greenskins carrying big gunz. Expect to see dem in lotsa solo games!

Da Gitz

The unpainted one is Boss Gitstikkawannabooma(WTF)?, the Grot with oilsquig is Lil' Mek Bob, the Gretchin with medical stuff is Paingit Boilskring, the Ork is Dumb Burk, and the rest are, well, random Grotz, you know?
Next up for them will be a kustom mini-Trukk, and maybe a Killa Kan(or two!). Oh yeah, and more Gitz!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just thought I would put in a new post.
Why do I play wargames by myself? Well, the nearest clubs are either too far away, or don't meet at a good time(6:30 on a Monday night?! I mean, come on!). Also, I like to experiment with different rulesets and armies, something most opponents do not seem to like:(.
Also, it gives me complete freedom to collect what I like, when I ike, and how I like. That's really all I can think of at the moment.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Well, this is my first post. Nothing really to report, as I haven't got my arse into gear yet. Just need to get some more scenery, and then I'll post up some solo 40k battle reports, and maybe some scenarios. And after that, I'll maybe start that Inquisitor campaign, and collect a second fantasy army, to attack my Hochland Imperials...
*sigh* So many ideas, so little money.